
Little and Different

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Red Eggs And Coffee


---Todd bought coffee for me to keep at his place. This is a big thing because he doesn't drink coffee. He's snazzy. When I dated Zach, he was such a BASTARD about my coffee consumption. He would tell me that I should drink 'natural' (since when is coffee unnatural, anyway?) stimulants and shit while he drank beer after beer. I'm glad I'm dating a guy who just lets me be who I am! Thank GOD! I don't like it when people tell me what to do, especially if I'm dating the person. It's one thing if the person in question is in a position of power at work or something... but if I'm DATING a guy and he thinks he can tell me how to dress, what to eat, yadda yadda yadda... he's got another thing coming.

---I have new glasses now. They look very librarian-esque. I really like them. My prescription is a bit stronger this time so the glasses are going to take a little getting used to. I'm not wearing them right now and I JUST put them on for a second... and my eyes felt really funny. Maybe I should go make myself some lunch here in a few minutes and go watch some TV... to get my eyes used to the glasses, of course. I'm just used to having broken glasses so I don't put them on when I get on the computer. I kinda feel like I'm going cross-eyed when I wear them. It's probably because the astigmatism is being corrected for the first time in a while. I assume it's kind of like a cast for my corneas, forcing them to behave like they should.

---I'm drinking my new coffee. Raspberry chocolate. Yum.

---We've decided to have a different kind of baby shower for my sister-in-law. In her home country (China), there is a reception for the baby about a month after it's born. We're going to do something like that. We'll have tradtional baby shower type things but we're going to fuse the two traditions together. We'll have homemade Chinese food, cake and women AND men will be allowed to come to the party. I've spent some time looking up traditions and it's going to be called a "Red Egg" party. I shall explain more at a later time...but it's a lovely tradition and one that I might carry out with my children, even though I'm not Chinese.

Anyway, I'm going to go eat some lunch and watch TV for a bit to get used to my glasses. I hope everyone is having a spectacular day.



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